Autism Facts

Facts of Autism
It can happen to anyone

There is no cure

The Autism Facts are that it is becoming all so common now a days,

with numbers being one in every 68 boys being born today with it.

Autism Statistics today are greater than ever, and chances

are if your child is not autistic than you at least know

someone who's child is.

The facts about Autism are that it is a very changlelling disorder

 no matter which end of the spectrum your child is on.

There is no cure for autism but that does not mean there

is not hope. As complicated as this disorder is with the right

attitude most autistic behaviors can be over come.

An autism diagnosis is a very difficult thing for any parent

to hear and no parent is ready to hear the words your child has autism. 

Autism Facts:

Fact: It can happen to anyone

Fact: parents with one autistic child are more likely to have another

Fact: there is no cure

Fact: there is no one certain thing that caused it

Fact: Autism is expensive!

Fact: Boys are nearly five times more likely than girls to have autism

Fact: There is no medical test such as, blood test, scan, or image that can detect it. An Autism Diagnosis is made by behavioral observation and screening.

Fact: Autism is the fastest growing disability in the United States, it is more common than childhood cancer, diabetes, and AIDS combined

Autism is a wide spectrum, there is no other child in the world

like yours. Autism is unique to each child.

Everyone has strengths and weakness.

 Taking care of an autistic child is like taking care

of an elderly patient. Some elderly patients suffer from alzhiemers,

 while others might be coping with a broken hip and the loss of

mobility. Some Autistic parents might be dealing with Delayed Speech

or Stimming while some are coping with self injourious behaviors. 

Autism Statistics

Autism is the fastest growing disability in the United States

This shows the increase of Autism just over an eight year period. 

2002 One in every 150

2004 1 in 125

2006 1 in 110

2008 1 in 88

It is estimated  to raise a child with autism is six times greater

per year than your typical child and as much as nine times higher

for a child on the lower end of the spectrum. Most common reasons

are because of more frequent visits to various doctors, Autism

related therapies, and higher child care cost. Intensive

behavioral interventions are more comparable to a private

education bill than a regular tutor. 

Autism is almost 5 times more common among boys (1-42) than

amoung girls (1-189).

Autism Facts ( Top Of Page)

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