Autism Symptoms Checklist

How do you know when your child's

delayed? Take a quick look at the

Autism Symptoms Checklist, a

few simple behaviors your child

does could be signs.

The stages of child  development are crucial for

a diagnosis of autism,  and for the treatment.

 Just below is the Autism Checklist that has

 a few  Developmental Milestones if your baby is

 delayed in,  it might be time to seek

your doctors advice.

Stages of Child Development

Things your baby may be doing...

Infant to 6 Months,

Able to focus on a face
smile back at you
bring both hands together
grasp a rattle
baby babbling
sit up without support

6 months- To 1 year old

self feed
clap hands
understand no
play peek-a-boo
wave Bye-Bye
respond to verbal commands
point or gesture to something they want

Things your toddler may be doing now.....

12 Months to 18 Months old

can say mommy and daddy
points to an object they want or need
can take off an article of clothing
wave Bye-Bye
drinks from a cup

18 months to 24 months old

run or kick a ball
walk up steps
use a spoon or a fork
put on an article of clothing

Autism Symptoms Checklist

Infant To Six Months,

does not smile back at you
makes no eye contact
does not look towards loud noises
Unresponsive to people
Tendency to focus on one item for a long period of time
High sensitivity to sound, touch, etc.
Resistance to being touched

By One Year Old,

Not responding to their name
No joyful expressions
Lack of babbling
Lack of eye contact
Staring for a long time at items which aren't moving
No gestures, such as pointing, showing, reaching, or waving.

By Toddler Age,

Delayed speech
avoidance of making eye contact with people
poor imitation skills (inability of imitating
simple gestures or facial expressions)
Non responsive to their name
Does not express concern or understanding to
people in distress

When the autism signs start becoming clearer by the month,

you began thinking about all the things other babys 

are doing that your baby hasn't even tried to do. You start

wondering if your baby is just shy, deaf, or just delayed.

We were in denial about the lack of eye contact, ignored

the Delayed Speech and justified to ourselves all the

milestones our child was truly missing.

When my son didn't make eye contact, it was not something

I thought I would need to take him to the doctor for.

But the lack of eye contact, no babbling or smiling back at us

were all signs of Autism that I did not see.

Sometimes trouble breast feeding your infant can

be an Early Symptom of Autism.

 I got a book about the Stages Of Child Development

 and started taking notes of the milestones that typical children

his age were hitting and comparing them with where my child was.

 I monitored my own sons benchmarks to know what

areas he needed to work on.

For a more comprehensive list

of delayed milestones and what to look for in babies,

 The Early Signs of Autism, and  Autism In Toddlers.

Looking back the signs had been there in front of us all the way

to the first few months of his life. We had missed the simple tasks

he just wasn't even trying to do. Such as, lift his head up while laying

on his tummy so he could look around. Not reaching for a baby

rattle to shake it.

You could use this Autism symptoms checklist to learn the

Early Signs Of AutismKnow the development of typical

children at different ages to see if there are any milestones

 your child might be delayed in. Research shows that the

earlier you can get  a Autism Diagnosis, the better your

child's Autism prognosis will be.

Autism Symptoms Checklist (Top of Page)

For more information on the Signs Of Autism Visit these Links.

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