Early Signs of Autism

Is Your Baby showing

Early Signs of Autism?

A parent is most likely the first person to see

the Early Signs of Autism, but the last one

to know what they are.

By the time you have logged on to

your computer and  searched for Autism

Signs I am sure your parents,  a caregiver or close

friend have all pointed out a thing or two that seems

to be abnormal about your child.

As a parent of an autistic child, I can tell you that If you

suspect that your child might be  delayed, then it is already time

to make a doctors appointment. When dealing with

Early Symptoms Of Autism a "wait and see approach" is not

the best thing you can do. It could cost  you the most valuable

time you have with your child.

I would like to share this video I saw on Youtube because it is

a great example of the Early Symptoms Of Autism.

The Cute Baby in the video has lack of eye contact,

and there is no cute  baby babbling, nor is he trying

to roll over and crawl for even the bright and shiny toys!

How do you know when your child's delayed on their milestones?

When should you worry,  when they are nine months  old and

still not babbling? When their two years old and not  talking?

To answer these questions you need an idea of what age typical

children reach  these milestones. The stages of child

development are crucial for a diagnosis of autism,

and  for the treatment.

Here is a list of age appropriate milestones and

a list of the most common early symptoms of autism.

Things Your Baby May Be Doing

Infant To 6 Months,

Able to focus on a face
smile back at you
bring both hands together
grasp a rattle
baby babbling
sit up without support

6 Months- To 1 Year Old,

self feed
clap hands
understand no
play peek-a-boo
wave Bye-Bye
respond to verbal commands
point or gesture to something they want

Here Are Some Autism Signs In Infants:

Infant To Six Months:

Lack of eye contact
Unresponsive to people
Does not babble
Does not smile back at you
Does not bring hands together to clap
Does not grasp a bottle or a rattle
Staring for a long time at
items which aren't moving
Does not reach for toys placed
just out of reach

By One Year Old:

 Does not respond to name
 At times seems to be hearing impaired
Speech Delayed
Delayed Crawling
Doesn't seem to know how to play with toys
 Does not babble, point, or make meaningful

I look back now and see so many things I either missed or ignored.

The first thing I noticed  with my son was the lack of eye contact

and no cute baby babbling. (Delayed Speech) 

It was more then just the eye contact,

it was a level of awareness for anything

and everything around him.

Most babies are curious about the people, the sounds and

the lights in a room. My son never  cared who came in

or out, who was laughing or crying. He did not glance up at us,

or wonder what we were doing. The only sounds he appeared to

notice were the ones that seemed to hurt  him.  He didn't try to

look into mirrors, or try to make noises with the rattles or roll over.

My son did not appropriately play with any toy. I Ignored these

Early Signs of Autism hoping that one day he would just roll over

grab the rattle and shake it and look up at me smiling. I didn't

realize how delayed he was until he was well behind all his a

typical peers. I started reading books on Stages of Child Development

so I could compare my sons milestones with other children. This told

me not only that my son was delayed but told me the signs of Autism

I missed. By the time I noticed any signs I was dealing with

Autism in Toddlers.

The Early Signs of Autism (Top Of Page)

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